After receiving a e-mail from a very good friend whom shall remain anonymous reminding me it's been awhile that I have put anything on my Blog, (at all) I get the hint...... but the summer has been busy, what with graduations, a family wedding and out of town guest soon to be arriving and a house that needs some TLC within, I just don't know where to find the time!
The weather has been hot to say the least, but that thought soon fades when I think about this past winter!
aka - "Shortcake" |
The problem with steaming weather are the nightly thunder storms that follow....... oh I'm not the one who is afraid, it's this little creature who needs to take "Thunder" medicine every time there is a storm - there is just no consoling this little creature. Sandi was our second rescue, but now that Zak is gone, she is very quickly working her way up to the role of Princess. She is a full breed "Sheltie", but in the photo, she is donning a summer do! Sandi's favorite activity is sleep, sleep and more sleep. Actually sleep got her into trouble and she now has her own "attorney", due to human error!!!
We have a great dog park just a few towns away and it has a great river running through it ....... the dogs just love it.... some play, fetch and swim, while others just stand there cooling off their paws - Sandi is one of those. But I can't complain at least she gets her feet wet!
I am still finding my way around the blog blackboard, but I am getting better at adding photo's, etc., so I hope people won't find it too boring. I am also a reader, so if anyone has any recommendations out there I would love to hear from you.
Been trying to finish up a few books that I've started, currently trying to finish Jenny Sanford's "Staying True" - has anyone read it?
Well I am off to work in the garden for a little while.....the weeds are on the march and they have to be stopped!!!!! Have a great day everyone